Plot: Perplexity is a video game created by Ian Collinson for the Acorn Electron and BBC Micro and published by Superior Software in 1990. It is a pseudo 3D maze game with Sokoban-style puzzles. Wikipedia
Plot: Grand Prix Construction Set is a computer game for the BBC Micro originally released in 1987 by Superior Software. It is a basic simulation of Formula One coupled with the facility to design tracks. It can be played in full screen single-player or two-player split screen modes. Wikipedia
Plot: Cosmic Camouflage is a video game for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron. It was released in 1988 as the sequel to Acornsoft's Meteors. Both games are clones of the 1979 Atari arcade game Asteroids. Wikipedia
Plot: Crazee Rider is a motorbike racing video game created by Kevin Edwards and published by Superior Software in 1987. It was released for the Acorn Electron and BBC Micro with an enhanced version for the BBC Master. Wikipedia
Plot: Spycat: An Interactive Exposé of M.I.4¹⁄₂ is an action-adventure game for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron, written by Peter Scott and published by Superior Software in 1988. The game is a parody of the scandal surrounding the Spycatcher book. Wikipedia
Plot: Deathstar is multidirectional shooter for the Acorn Electron and BBC Micro developed by Peter Johnson and originally published in the UK by Superior Software in 1985. It is a clone of the arcade game Sinistar. Wikipedia
Plot: Syncron is a vertically-scrolling shooter written by Gary Partis for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron and published by Superior Software in 1987. Wikipedia
Plot: Camelot Co., Ltd. is a Japanese video game developer established in 1990 under the name Sega CD4, but quickly renamed to Sonic! Software Planning. Named after Sonic the Hedgehog, they were closely involved with Sega and responsible for initial development of the Shining series. Wikipedia