Plot: The Outlast Trials is an upcoming first-person psychological horror survival video game developed and published by Red Barrels. It is the third installment in the Outlast series, serving as a prequel to the first two games and features test subjects in a mysterious Cold War experiment. Wikipedia
Plot: The Evil Within 2 is a third-person survival horror video game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks for PlayStation 4, Windows and Xbox One. The game was released worldwide in October 2017, and is the sequel to the 2014 video game The Evil Within. Wikipedia
Plot: Project Spark was a game creation video game for Microsoft Windows 8.1, 10 and Xbox One. The game was announced during Microsoft's E3 2013 press event, and was launched as a Windows open beta in December 2013, and an Xbox One beta in March 2014. Wikipedia