Plot: Opus: The Day We Found Earth is an adventure game focused on story and exploration, developed by SIGONO, an independent game developer from Taiwan. It was first released on iOS and Android on October 22, 2015. A PC port was later released on Steam, available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X users...
Plot: OPUS: Rocket of Whispers is a 2D adventure game developed by Taiwanese independent studio SIGONO. It is the second installment of the OPUS series that began with OPUS: The Day We Found Earth, and focuses on story and exploration, much like its predecessor. Wikipedia
Plot: Voez is a rhythm game developed by Rayark, initially released in May 2016 for iOS devices, while an Android version of the game was released one week later in June 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Steins;Gate Elite is a science fiction visual novel and interactive movie video game, part of the Science Adventure series. It was developed by 5pb. for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows and iOS, and was released in 2018 in Japan and in 2019 internationally. Wikipedia...