Plot: Alien Front Online is a 2001 video game released for the Sega Dreamcast exclusively in North America. Alien Front Online is an online version of the arcade game Alien Front, where it was bundled with the Dreamcast Microphone. In the game, players use armored vehicles to fight battles staged in arenas...
Plot: Super Bomberman 4 is a multiplayer action-party video game, developed by Produce and published by Hudson Soft for the Super Famicom, released on April 26, 1996 in Japan. It is the fourth installment of the Super Bomberman franchise for the console. The story begins at an unknown time after Super Bomberman...
Plot: Super Bomberman 3 is a game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1995. It is the third game in the Bomberman series for the system. Up to five players can play at the same time. The game was released in Japan and the PAL region, but not in North America due to the closure of Hudson...
Plot: Bomber Man World is a 1992 video game released by Irem under license from Hudson Soft for arcades. It is part of the Bomberman series. It was the second Bomberman game to be released for arcades, preceded by Bomberman, which was also released by Irem. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Bomberman 2 is the second of five games in the Super Bomberman series developed by Produce and Hudson Soft and released on the Super Nintendo. It was released in Japan on April 28, 1994, in North America later the same year, and in Europe on February 23, 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Bomberman '94 is a video game from the Bomberman series which was developed and published by Hudson Soft for the PC Engine and released on December 10, 1993 in Japan. It was later re-developed by Westone and re-published by Sega as Mega Bomberman on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis in 1994 in other areas...
Plot: ChuChu Rocket! is an action puzzle game developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Released for the Dreamcast in 1999, it was the first game for the system to support online console gaming. Players must place arrows on a board to lead mice into escape rockets while avoiding cats. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Bomberman R is an action-maze game developed by Konami and HexaDrive, and is part of the Bomberman series. The game was first released worldwide as a launch title for the Nintendo Switch in March 2017, and later for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in June 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Bomberman 2 is the second of five games in the Super Bomberman series developed by Produce and Hudson Soft and released on the Super Nintendo. It was released in Japan on April 28, 1994, in North America later the same year, and in Europe on February 23, 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Bomberman is a strategic, maze-based video game franchise originally developed by Hudson Soft and currently owned by Konami. The first game in the series was released in Japan on December 20, 1985 and new games have been published at irregular intervals ever since. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Bomberman R is an action-maze game developed by Konami and HexaDrive, and is part of the Bomberman series. The game was first released worldwide as a launch title for the Nintendo Switch in March 2017, and later for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in June 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Bomberman II is a video game developed and published by Hudson Soft and released for the Family Computer/Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991. The game was titled Dynablaster in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Bomberman 5, released by Hudson Soft in early 1997, was the final Bomberman game released on the Super Famicom. The game was released in two variations: a standard cartridge and a gold cartridge, which was sold through CoroCoro Comic. The gold cartridge included extra maps in battle mode. Wikipedia...
Plot: Bomberman 64 is a video game developed by Hudson Soft, published by Hudson Soft in Japan and published by Nintendo in North America and Europe for the Nintendo 64. The game was released in Europe on November 27, 1997 and released in North America three days later. Wikipedia