Plot: One Piece - Big Secret Treasure of the Seven Phantom Islands is an RPG game for Game Boy Advance, based on the animated television show One Piece. This game was released only in Japan in November 15, 2002 by Banpresto.
Plot: One Piece: Round the Land! is a game developed by Bandai for the PS2 system. It was released in Japan on July 29, 2004 and in Europe on December 10 of the same year. This game featured a unique story with the introduction of the non-canon devil fruit Mini Mini no Mi eaten by Blyue.
Plot: From TV animation - One Piece: Set Sail Pirate Crew! is a Japan-exclusive role-playing game published by Bandai for the PlayStation. It is the fourth game to be based on the One Piece manga and anime. This game's introduction uses the theme song Believe from the One Piece Anime. Wikipedia
Plot: One Piece: Going Baseball is a Japanese only game released for the GameBoy Advance in 2004. The controls are simple and the basic point of the game is to choose a team and try to win in a tournament against all the other teams. There is a story mode, which is needed to unlock the final team, and a...