Plot: Ben 10: Omniverse is a video game based on the American animated action-comedy series of the same name. The game was published by D3 Publisher in North America and Namco Bandai Games in Europe and Australia. It was released in November 2012 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Wii...
Plot: Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Cosmic Destruction is a video game based on Ben 10: Ultimate Alien and is the fifth game in the Ben 10 video games series released by Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, Wii, PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS on October 5, 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Ben 10: Protector of Earth is a video game based on the animated television series Ben 10. This is the first Ben 10 game and it was released for PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, the Nintendo DS and the Wii in late 2007. Wikipedia