Plot: Gangstar Vegas is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Gameloft Montreal and published by Gameloft. It was released for Android and iOS on June 7, 2013. It is the sixth installment in the Gangstar series; it is preceded by Gangstar Rio: City of Saints and succeeded by Gangstar: New...
Plot: Postknight is a RPG mobile app that was created by Kurechii, a Malaysian game developing team. It released for iOS and Android on February 9, 2017, after its beta testing period ended. Wikipedia
Plot: Neverwinter Nights is a series of video games developed by BioWare and Obsidian Entertainment, based on the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It is unrelated to the 1991 Neverwinter Nights online game hosted by AOL. Wikipedia
Plot: God Mode is a co-op, arena-based, third-person shooter video game focusing on survival mode style gameplay. It was developed by Saber Interactive in conjunction with Old School Games and published by Atlus. The game uses Saber Interactive's internal Saber3D Engine. Its gameplay was later used as basis...