Plot: Iron Man 3: The Official Game is a mobile phone video game developed and published by Gameloft. The game was released on April 25, 2013, and is based on the film Iron Man 3. It is now discontinued and not supported by Gameloft. Wikipedia
Plot: Hill Climb Racing is a 2012 2D physics-based racing video game released by the Finnish studio Fingersoft for Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, and Windows Phone. It was originally created by Toni Fingerroos, Fingersoft's founder, and is the company's best-known product. Wikipedia
Plot: My Talking Tom is a virtual pet app released by Slovenian studio Outfit7 in November 2013. It is similar to Pou and the fourteenth app of the Talking Tom and Friends series overall. A similar app called My Talking Angela was released on December 3, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Gods of Boom, previously known as Guns of Boom, is an online multiplayer first-person shooter video game for mobile devices. It was developed by Game Insight and released on May 16, 2017, for iOS and Android. Wikipedia