Plot: Steel Gunner 2 is a 1992 first-person shooter arcade game developed and released by Namco. It is the sequel to Steel Gunner, which had been released in the previous year. It was also sold as a conversion kit for Taito's Operation Thunderbolt. Wikipedia
Plot: Golly! Ghost! is a 1991 light gun shooter arcade game developed and published by Namco. It employs a diorama which is controlled by the game's driver board to open and close mechanical doors which are connected to solenoids, much like the moveable items on a pinball table. Wikipedia
Plot: Triple Hunt is a shooter-style arcade game developed by Atari and released in April 1977. Triple Hunt's main feature is its mounted light gun, which is used to shoot at the screen on a separate cabinet. Each Triple Hunt unit houses three changeable games; Witch Hunt, Hit The Bear, and Raccoon Hunt....
Plot: Big Event Golf is a golf arcade game released by Taito in 1986. The player is a participant on an 18-hole championship golf course. The objective is to acquire the lowest score possible. The rules used in this game are the same as in actual golf. Wikipedia
Plot: Laser Ghost is a horror-themed shooting gallery arcade game released by Sega in 1989. The game is patterned after the films Ghostbusters and Poltergeist III, casting the player as a ghost hunter. There are three mounted guns set up on the cabinet, representing the three members of a ghost hunting team...
Plot: Mechanized Attack is a shooter game developed and published by SNK. It was released in North America for the arcade in 1989, and it was ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990. It can be played with either the NES controller or the NES Zapper light gun. Wikipedia
Plot: Air Inferno is a 1990 flight simulation arcade video game, developed and released by Taito, in Japan, North America, and the United Kingdom. Like its predecessor Top Landing, Air Inferno used flat-shaded, 3D polygon graphics. Wikipedia