Plot: Nintendo Labo is a toys-to-life concept developed by Nintendo and released in April 2018. Labo consists of 2 parts, where one part is a game and one part is multiple sheets of cardboard. Wikipedia
Plot: Nintendo Labo is a toys-to-life concept developed by Nintendo and released in April 2018. Labo consists of 2 parts, where one part is a game and one part is multiple sheets of cardboard. Wikipedia
Plot: 1-2-Switch is a party game developed and published by Nintendo as a launch title for the Nintendo Switch, which was released worldwide on March 3, 2017. The game extensively uses the system's Joy-Con controllers, with players facing each other performing various minigames. Wikipedia
Plot: Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido is an action-puzzle video game developed by indieszero and Nintendo. The game was released worldwide for the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch on June 8, 2018. Sushi Striker takes place in a world where sushi has been made forbidden by its ruling empire. Wikipedia
Plot: Driver is a video game series developed by Reflections Interactive, and originally published by GT Interactive, later by Atari and now by Ubisoft. The gameplay consists of a mixture of action-adventure and driving in open world environments. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario Kart 8 is a kart racing video game developed and published by Nintendo. It was released for the Wii U in May 2014. It retains Mario Kart series game mechanics, where players control Mario franchise characters in kart racing, collecting a variety of items to hinder opponents or gain advantages...
Plot: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a 2014 action puzzle video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii U. It is a spin-off of the Super Mario series which builds upon the isometric minigames starring Captain Toad from Super Mario 3D World. Wikipedia