Plot: Go Vacation is a 2011 party video game developed and released by Namco Bandai Games for the Wii and Switch. It is the third game in the We Ski series. Up to four players can compete against each other in over 50 sport-based minigames that take place in four fictional island resorts. Wikipedia
Plot: Brain Age, also known as Dr Kawashima's Brain Training, is a series of video games developed and published by Nintendo, based on the work of Ryuta Kawashima. Wikipedia
Plot: Just Dance 2021 is a dance rhythm game developed by Ubisoft. It was unveiled on August 26, 2020 during the Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase web presentation as the twelfth main installment of the ... Wikipedia
Plot: Pikmin 3 is a real-time strategy and puzzle game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii U video game console. It is the sequel to the GameCube games Pikmin and Pikmin 2 and was released in Japan on July 13, 2013 and in all other regions within the following month. Wikipedia