Plot: Enchanted is a video game for the Nintendo DS based on the Walt Disney Pictures' 2007 film, Enchanted. In the animated fantasy kingdom of Andalasia, Giselle and Prince Edward are planning to be married. When Edward's evil stepmother tries to stop the marriage, Giselle is transported to New York City...
Plot: Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey is a video game of the Disney Princess franchise, which was released for the PlayStation 2, Wii and Windows in 2007. It was released on PlayStation Network on February 15, 2012 in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Disney Friends is a simulation and adventure video game released in 2007 by Amaze Entertainment for the Nintendo DS loosely based on several animated Disney films. Wikipedia
Plot: Tangled: The Video Game is an action-adventure game based on the 2010 film Tangled for the Wii and Nintendo DS, as well as for Microsoft Windows. The game was developed by Planet Moon Studios and published by Disney Interactive Studios, and was released in November 2010. Wikipedia