Plot: Disney Channel All Star Party is a party game based on several Disney Channel franchises, exclusively for Wii. This game uses characters, games, and stages from Phineas and Ferb, Jonas, Sonny with a Chance, Wizards of Waverly Place, Hannah Montana, The Suite Life on Deck, and Camp Rock 2: The Final...
Plot: AMF Bowling World Lanes is a sports video game developed by American company Front Line Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks on November 18, 2008 for the Wii video game console. It is the second AMF Bowling game on the Wii after AMF Bowling Pinbusters! Wikipedia
Plot: Guilty Party is a party puzzle video game for Wii, developed by Wideload Games and published by Disney Interactive Studios. The goal of the game is to discover the identity of the culprit in a whodunit-style mystery. Wikipedia