Plot: Time Cruise is a sci-fi themed pinball video game released for the Turbografx-16 game system on November 8, 1991. The game was released exclusively on the Turbografx-16 to compete against the popular Crush series of pinball video games by Compile. The game was followed up with a sequel, Time Cruise...
Plot: World Sports Competition is a sports video game developed by Make software for the PC-Engine in 1992 and released on the TurboGrafx-16 in 1993. It has also been released on the PlayStation Network in Japan and North America and on the Virtual Console in Europe and North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Digital Champ: Battle Boxing is a single-player video game released in 1989 for TurboGrafx-16 by Naxat Soft. The game was released to the Wii Virtual Console in Japan on April 15, 2008, Europe on May 16, 2008, and in North America on October 20, 2008. It was released in the mid-2010s for the Wii Virtual...