Plot: Brothers in Arms 2: Global Front is a 2010 World War II-era first-person shooter video game for iOS and Android, developed and published by Gameloft. It was released on the App Store on February 22, 2010. and is part of the Brothers in Arms series. Wikipedia
Plot: Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance 2: The Hero Rises Again, also called N.O.V.A. 2: The Hero Rises Again, is a first-person shooter video game, developed and published by Gameloft. Wikipedia
Plot: Asphalt Overdrive is a 2014 endless runner video game published by Gameloft and developed by their Madrid studio. It is a spinoff of the Asphalt series and the eleventh title overall. After a showcase in June 2014 at the E3 event, it was released in September 24, 2014 for iOS, Android and Windows Phone...
Plot: Iron Man 3: The Official Game is a mobile phone video game developed and published by Gameloft. The game was released on April 25, 2013, and is based on the film Iron Man 3. It is now discontinued and not supported by Gameloft. Wikipedia