Plot: Naruto: Clash of Ninja, released in Japan as Naruto: Gekitō Ninja Taisen!, is a series of 3D cel-shaded fighting games based on the manga and anime series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto. They are developed by Eighting and published by D3 Publisher and Tomy. Wikipedia
Plot: Naruto: Clash of Ninja, released in Japan as Naruto: Gekitō Ninja Taisen!, is a series of 3D cel-shaded fighting games based on the manga and anime series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto. They are developed by Eighting and published by D3 Publisher and Tomy. Wikipedia
Plot: Naruto: Clash of Ninja, released in Japan as Naruto: Gekitō Ninja Taisen!, is a series of 3D cel-shaded fighting games based on the manga and anime series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto. They are developed by Eighting and published by D3 Publisher and Tomy. Wikipedia
Plot: Kururin Squash! is a GameCube video game released by Nintendo and 8ing in 2004. The game is a puzzle title released exclusively in Japan. In the game you control Kururin who is off to save all of his siblings after they went missing on a family trip across the four countries of the in-game world.
Plot: Naruto: Clash of Ninja, released in Japan as Naruto: Gekitō Ninja Taisen!, is a series of 3D cel-shaded fighting games based on the manga and anime series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto. They are developed by Eighting and published by D3 Publisher and Tomy. Wikipedia