Plot: Nanashi no Game is a first-person survival horror video game developed by Epics and published by Square Enix for the Nintendo DS. The game follows a university student who becomes cursed by the titular role-playing game, which causes people to die in seven days upon starting. It was released on July...
Plot: Ikenie no Yoru, is a horror, adventure video game for the Wii console, developed by Square Enix and published by Marvelous Entertainment. In the game, the player controls in turn five teenagers exploring a haunted mansion. Wikipedia
Plot: Calling, or Calling: Kuroki Chakushin in Japan, is a survival horror video game developed by Hudson Soft exclusively for the Wii console. The game was released in Japan on November 19, 2009, in North America on March 9, 2010 and in Europe on March 19, 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Sigma Harmonics is a role-playing video game developed and produced by Square Enix for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. The game involves two friends who travel through time, attempting to restore an altered past and solve murders along the way. Wikipedia
Plot: Dementium: The Ward is a survival horror first-person shooter game developed by Renegade Kid for the Nintendo DS. The game was released in North America on October 26, 2007, published by Gamecock Media Group. Wikipedia
Plot: Yosumin! is a puzzle video game released as a flash game for the personal computer. Later, it was ported to the Nintendo DS console and the Xbox 360. The game involves players manipulating a grid of yosumin, or tiles to make color matches and eliminate a certain number before time runs out. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dementium II is a survival horror first-person shooter for the Nintendo DS. It is the sequel to 2007's Dementium: The Ward, also for the Nintendo DS. The game was developed by Renegade Kid and published by SouthPeak Games. Wikipedia