Plot: Motorsport Manager is a racing management-simulation strategy video game developed by British video game developer, Playsport Games. The game was released on iOS in August 2014 and Android in 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: F1 Manager is a racing management/strategy video game developed and published by Hutch. The game was released for both iOS and Android on May 7, 2019. It featured all the official circuits, teams and drivers from the 2019 Formula One World Championship at launch. Wikipedia
Plot: Hattrick is a browser-based massively multiplayer online football management simulation video game developed in Sweden and launched on 30 August 1997. The game contains 133 different countries plus the Hattrick International, each with its own league pyramid, and 53 different language versions. Wikipedia...
Plot: iRacing, previously, is a subscription-based racing simulation online video game developed and published by Motorsport Simulations in 2008. All races and practice sessions are hosted on the publisher's servers. Wikipedia