Plot: Typo Attack is an educational game for the Atari 8-bit family designed to improve the user's typing skill. It was written by David Buehler and published by the Atari Program Exchange in 1982. Buehler was seventeen when the game won the US$25,000 Atari Star Award for the best APX program of 1982. Wikipedia...
Plot: Realm of Impossibility is an action game created by Mike Edwards for the Atari 8-bit family and published by Electronic Arts in 1984. It was originally released in 1983 as Zombies and published by BRAM, a company formed by Edwards and a friend. BRAM previously developed and published Attack at EP-CYG...
Plot: Preppie! is an action video game for the Atari 8-bit family published by Adventure International in 1982. Developer Russ Wetmore's name is prominently displayed on the box cover. Wikipedia
Plot: The Tail of Beta Lyrae is a horizontally scrolling shooter for the Atari 8-bit family published in 1983 by Datamost. It was designed and implemented by Philip Price with music by Gary Gilbertson. Price and Gilbertson later collaborated on the Alternate Reality games. Wikipedia
Plot: Star Raiders II is a video game released in 1986 for the Atari 8-bit family as a sequel to 1979's Star Raiders, which was the killer app for the Atari computers. Wikipedia
Plot: RealSports Tennis is a tennis simulation video game developed and published by Atari, Inc. for the Atari 2600, Atari 5200 and Atari 8-bit family in 1983. It is part of the RealSports series of games. Wikipedia
Plot: Bounty Bob Strikes Back! is the sequel to Miner 2049er published in 1984 for the Atari 8-bit family. The game adds a pseudo-3D look to the platforms and increases the level count from 10 to 25. As with the original, the Atari 8-bit version was released on ROM cartridge. Wikipedia
Plot: Fort Apocalypse is video game for the Atari 8-bit family created by Steve Hales and published by Synapse Software in 1982. Joe Vierra ported it to the Commodore 64 the same year. Wikipedia
Plot: Eastern Front (1941) is a computer wargame for the Atari 8-bit family created by Chris Crawford and published through the Atari Program Exchange in 1981. A scenario editor and assembly language source code for the game were also sold by APX. Wikipedia