Plot: Monkey Magic is a video game developed by Mpen and published by Sunsoft on the PlayStation console. The video game Monkey Magic is based on the anime series of the same name, an adaptation of the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West. Wikipedia
Plot: Heli Fire is an video game developed by Nintendo, and released in arcades in September 1980 by Nintendo. Some sources claim that Ikegami Tsushinki also did design work on Heli Fire. Wikipedia
Plot: Sheriff, also known as Bandido, is a 1979 arcade game by Nintendo. It is one of a group of Western-themed video games from the 1970s, preceded by at least Western Gun, Outlaw, and Boot Hill. The player controls a county sheriff tasked with defense of a town against bandits, to rescue the captured woman...
Plot: Radar Scope is a 1980 fixed shooter arcade game developed by Nintendo R&D2 and published by Nintendo. The player assumes the role of the Sonic Spaceport starship and must wipe out formations of an enemy race known as the Gamma Raiders before they destroy the player's space station. Wikipedia
Plot: Sky Skipper is a 1981 arcade game by Nintendo. In the game, the player pilots a biplane and must save animals and a royal family from gorillas holding them captured. Wikipedia