Plot: Tokyo Afterschool Summoners, known also by the blend word Housamo, is an F2P role-playing video game for Android and iOS. It is developed by Lifewonders, a mobile gaming company operated by the dōjin circle Yojouhan-teki Seikatsu. Wikipedia
Plot: Nekojishi: Lin & Partners is an upcoming video game that is self-published by Studio Klondike. It is a direct sequel to the 2017 visual novel game Nekojishi and the first game in the series to be released on a home/handheld console. Wikipedia
Plot: Dramatical Murder is a Japanese BL visual novel developed and published by Nitro+chiral. It was originally released on March 23, 2012 for Windows PCs as a first press edition, with a regular edition released on April 27, 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Shining Wind is an action role-playing game developed by Nextech and published by Sega for the PlayStation 2, and the 19th game in the Shining video game series. It was released on May 17, 2007 in Japan. The game is the sequel to Shining Tears. The main characters from Shining Tears appear in Shining...
Plot: Solatorobo: Red the Hunter, originally released in Japan as Soratorobo -Sore Kara Kōda e- is an action role-playing video game developed by CyberConnect2 for the Nintendo DS. Wikipedia