Plot: Girl's Garden is an action game developed and published by Sega for the SG-1000 console in 1984 or 1985. The game follows a girl as she gathers flowers to win the love of a boy. It was the debut work of Sega programmers Yuji Naka and Hiroshi Kawaguchi. Wikipedia
Plot: Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom is a pseudo 3D video game released in arcades by Sega in 1982. Buck is never seen; the only connection to the license is the outer space setting. The game is a forward-scrolling rail shooter where the player controls a spaceship in a third-person perspective. Wikipedia
Plot: Konami's Ping Pong is a sports arcade game created in 1985 by Konami. It is the first video game to accurately reflect the gameplay of table tennis, as opposed to earlier simplifications like Pong. It was ported to the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, Famicom Disk System, MSX, and ZX Spectrum. Wikipedia