Plot: Maitetsu is a visual novel developed by Lose, which has also been adapted into the anime series Rail Romanesque. Maitetsu was initially released in Japan in 2016, and it was released internationally by Sekai Project on Steam in 2018. Sekai Project also released an uncensored, 18+ version of the game...
Plot: Aiyoku no Eustia is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by August for Windows and was released on April 28, 2011. Aiyoku no Eustia is August's eighth game, preceded by Fortune Arterial and Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Moonlight Cradle. Wikipedia
Plot: Hatsuyuki Sakura, also known as Hatsuyuki Sakura: White Graduation, is a Japanese adult visual novel developed and published by Saga Planets under Visual Art's. It was released on February 24, 2012. A manga adaptation was serialized on Comp Ace. Wikipedia