Plot: Momodora is a series of platforming video games developed by Bombservice. The series follows several priestess heroines who utilize magic maple leaves as weapons against monsters and other cursed entities. Wikipedia
Plot: Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is an indie Metroidvania video game developed by Brazilian studio Bombservice and published by Playism. The game was originally released on March 4, 2016 for Microsoft Windows. It is the fourth installment of the Momodora series that began in 2010 with Momodora...
Plot: Cave Story is a 2004 Metroidvania platform-adventure game for Microsoft Windows. It was developed over five years by Japanese developer Daisuke Pixel Amaya in his free time. Cave Story features 2D platform mechanics and is reminiscent of the games Amaya played in his youth, such as Metroid and Castlevania...
Plot: Axiom Verge is a Metroidvania video game by American indie developer Thomas Happ. The game was originally released in March 2015 in North America and April 2015 in Europe and Australia for PlayStation 4. It was released in May 2015 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. Wikipedia
Plot: Spelunky is a 2008 source-available indie 2D platform video game created by Derek Yu and released as freeware for Microsoft Windows. It was remade for the Xbox 360 in 2012, with ports of the new version following for various platforms, including back to Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia