Plot: Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles is a Sci-Fi Mech Shooter/Mech Simulator Game for the Sony PlayStation 2. This game allows the user to play as a regular soldier on either the EFSF or the Principality of Zeon, witnessing events from the One Year War on a grunt unit's point of view. Wikipedia
Plot: Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front is a game for the PlayStation 2, which revolves around a Zeon Special Commando Unit during the One Year War, called the Midnight Fenrir Corp. This MS team was created by Kycilia Zabi and participated in the capture of the California Base during the 2nd Earth Invasion...
Plot: Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise From the Ashes is a video game that was released for the Dreamcast. It is based in the Universal Century timeline of the popular Mobile Suit Gundam franchise. It was developed and published by Bandai. Wikipedia
Plot: Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire, known in Japan and Europe as Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight, is a PlayStation 3 launch title, published and developed by Namco Bandai Games, based on Sunrise's Mobile Suit Gundam franchise. Wikipedia
Plot: Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo is an action game based directly on the Mobile Suit Gundam films and series. The game begins at the start of the series and ends at the ending of the second film. The game plays in an action game format with a standard third-person view. Wikipedia
Plot: Mobile Suit Gundam: MS Sensen 0079 is a Wii title, published and developed by Namco Bandai, based on Sunrise's Mobile Suit Gundam franchise. Its Japanese release was July 26, 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space is a Third-person shooter video game for the PlayStation 2 released in 2003. The game is centered on space based mobile suit combat. Developed and published by Bandai the game is based on the Universal Century timeline of the popular Gundam franchise. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon is a 2001 arcade video game based on the anime television series Mobile Suit Gundam. An upgraded edition of the game, Federation vs. Zeon DX, includes 360-degree, zero-G space battlefields. Both versions were later ported to the Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 game...
Plot: Mobile Ops: The One Year War, known in Japan as Mobile Suit Gundam: Operation: Troy, is a third-person shooter/First-person shooter for the Xbox 360 that is based on the anime series Gundam. The game features combat in mobile suits, on foot and in vehicles, as well as online play. Wikipedia