Plot: Angelique is a Japanese media franchise based on the video game series. Currently, the series has only been released in Japan, with the exception of a Chinese PC version of the first game in the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Harukanaru Toki no Naka de is an otome adventure game developed by Ruby Party and published by Koei. It is a part of Ruby Party's Neoromance label. Wikipedia
Plot: My World, My Way is a role-playing game developed by Global A Entertainment. The game puts the player into the role of Princess Elise, a young, spoiled princess on a quest to impress a handsome adventurer into being her boyfriend. Wikipedia
Plot: Kurayami no Hate de Kimi wo Matsu is an otome game developed by Witchcraft and published by D3 Publisher for Nintendo DS, released on October 22, 2009 in both a standard and a limited edition version. Wikipedia