Plot: F-22 Interceptor is a 1991 combat flight simulator created by Ned Lerner and Gene Kusmiak. It was released by Electronic Arts and Ingram Entertainment for the Sega Genesis. The player controls one aircraft, the F-22 Raptor, throughout the game. Wikipedia
Plot: LHX Attack Chopper is a combat helicopter simulation game published by Electronic Arts in 1990. Development was led by Brent Iverson who later designed Chuck Yeager's Air Combat. The game was released for MS-DOS and ported to the Mega Drive/Genesis. Wikipedia
Plot: NBA Action '95: Starring David Robinson is a video game developed by American studio Double Diamond Sports and published by Sega for the Sega Genesis. Wikipedia
Plot: Trampoline Terror! is a Sega Genesis video game that was released in 1990. It combines elements of strategy video games and overhead view action video games. A Japanese release under the name Explode Star was planned, but was cancelled. Wikipedia