Plot: Landing High Japan is an arcade game in which the object is to pilot a commercial airliner, taking off from and landing at several Japanese airports. It is a part of the Landing series of airline simulation arcade games which also includes Midnight Landing, Top Landing and Landing Gear. Wikipedia
Plot: Air Inferno is a 1990 flight simulation arcade video game, developed and released by Taito, in Japan, North America, and the United Kingdom. Like its predecessor Top Landing, Air Inferno used flat-shaded, 3D polygon graphics. Wikipedia
Plot: Full Throttle is a graphic adventure video game developed by LucasArts and designed by Tim Schafer. The game was released on April 30, 1995, for MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. Wikipedia
Plot: Exzisus is a 1987 Horizontal scrolling shooter arcade game released by Taito Corporation, and published overseas by TAD Corporation. The player controls a giant robot that can transform into a space-ship or be accompanied by robotic animal helpers in an attempt to free four planets from a mechanical...
Plot: Raimais is a maze chase arcade game released in April 1988 in Japan by Taito. The object of the game is to drive your vehicle around a maze in order to clear the maze of dots while avoiding the enemy. The game consists of 32 mazes total plus boss fights. Wikipedia