Plot: Micro Machines is a series of video games featuring toy cars, developed by Codemasters and published on several platforms. The series is based on the Micro Machines toy line of miniature vehicles. Micro Machines games feature tracks based on household settings: for example, kitchen tables and desktops...
Plot: Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament is a 1994 racing video game developed by Supersonic Software and published by Codemasters for the Sega Mega Drive. The sequel to Micro Machines, the game is themed around Galoob's Micro Machines toys, and players race around environments in miniature toy vehicles....
Plot: Super Skidmarks is a racing video game developed by Acid Software and released in 1995. The game is the sequel to Skidmarks and as such was also termed Skidmarks 2 and Super Skidmarks 2 by commentators. Wikipedia
Plot: Micro Machines V4 is a racing video game developed by Supersonic Software and published by Codemasters for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS. Wikipedia
Plot: Micro Machines V3 is a racing video game developed by Codemasters and Novalicious for PlayStation, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo 64, and Game Boy Color. Wikipedia
Plot: Micro Maniacs is a racing video game developed by Codemasters for PlayStation and Game Boy Color. It is a spin-off to the Micro Machines games, the main difference being that players control tiny characters where a few racetracks feature the use of vehicles. Wikipedia
Plot: Pete Sampras Tennis is a sports video game, developed by Zeppelin Games and published by Codemasters. It was followed by Sampras Tennis 96 for Sega's 16-bit console and later by Pete Sampras Tennis '97, released for the PlayStation and Windows/DOS. Wikipedia
Plot: Brian Lara Cricket '96, known as Lara '96 and Shane Warne Cricket in Australia and New Zealand, is the sequel to Brian Lara Cricket and the second game in the Brian Lara-endorsed series of cricket video games. Wikipedia
Plot: Sampras Tennis 96 is a 1995 tennis video game developed by Codemasters. It is the sequel to Pete Sampras Tennis. Like its predecessor, it was one of the few titles released on the J-Cart format, which provided two additional controller ports for multiplayer games. Wikipedia