Plot: Metal Storm is an action-platform video game developed by Tamtex and published by Irem for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The story takes place in 2501, when a laser weapon at a defense outpost on Pluto has malfunctioned and begun destroying the Solar System. Wikipedia
Plot: Super R-Type is a shooter game for the SNES, developed and published by Irem in 1991. It is a partial port of R-Type II, borrowing stages and enemies, but introducing several of its own. The game has been re-released on the Wii Virtual Console in Japan, North America, and PAL regions in 2008. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition is a compilation of The Legend of Zelda games from previous consoles for the Nintendo GameCube, along with a 20-minute demo of the newest installment of the series, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.