Plot: Zombie Nation is a 1990 NES action game developed by KAZe and published by Meldac. It was first released in Japan on December 14, 1990 under the title Abarenbou Tengu, before being released later in the United States in January 1991. This game features a juxtaposition of zombies, aliens and samurai...
Plot: Maru's Mission is an action video game released in 1991 by Jaleco for the original Game Boy. It was released in Japan as Oira Jajamaru! Sekai Daibōken on September 28, 1990. On January 18, 2012, it was released to the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console and later in North America on February 9, 2012. Wikipedia...
Plot: Battle Unit Zeoth is a scrolling shooter video game developed by Jaleco for the Nintendo Game Boy in 1990 which saw a release in North America and Europe one year later in 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Astro Rabby is a 1990 action video game published by Information Global Service for the original Game Boy exclusively in Japan on October 12, 1990. It is the first Game Boy title to be published by that company. Wikipedia
Plot: Solar Striker is a vertically scrolling shooter developed by Nintendo R&D1 with Minakuchi Engineering for the Nintendo Game Boy. It was first published in Japan on January 26, 1990, then released later in North America on February 2, 1990, and finally in Europe on September 28, 1990. Wikipedia
Plot: Chikyū Kaihō Gun ZAS is a vertical scrolling shooter video game developed and published by T&E Soft for the Nintendo Game Boy exclusively in Japan on December 18, 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: Heiankyo Alien is a video game created by the University of Tokyo's Theoretical Science Group in 1979. The game was originally developed and released as a personal computer game in 1979, and was then published by Denki Onkyō Corporation as an arcade game in May 1980. Wikipedia
Plot: Choplifter II is a video game developed by Beam Software and released in 1991 exclusively for the Game Boy. It is a follow-up to the original Choplifter and the first entry in the series released for the Game Boy. Wikipedia
Plot: Pop'n Twinbee is a top-view shoot-'em-up game originally released in 1993 by Konami for the Super Famicom in Japan. The game was also released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in the PAL region. It is the sixth game in the TwinBee series and a direct follow-up to the arcade game Detana!!...
Plot: Raging Fighter is a 1993 fighting video game developed and published by Konami for the Nintendo Game Boy. It was first released in Japan on March 26, 1993, and later released in North America and Europe in June 1993. Wikipedia
Plot: Burai Fighter is a 1990 side-scrolling shoot 'em up video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was released in North America in March 1990, Europe and Australia in 1990, and Japan on July 20, 1990. Wikipedia
Plot: Great Greed, known in Japan as Bitamīna Oukoku Monogatari, is an environmentally-themed role-playing video game for the Nintendo Game Boy released by Namco in 1992. Wikipedia