Plot: Mega Man Star Force 3, known in Japan as Ryūsei no Rockman 3, is a video game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It was released in Japan on November 13, 2008 and in United States on June 30, 2009. The game was released with two versions: Black Ace and Red Joker. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mega Man Star Force 3, known in Japan as Ryūsei no Rockman 3, is a video game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It was released in Japan on November 13, 2008 and in United States on June 30, 2009. The game was released with two versions: Black Ace and Red Joker. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mega Man Star Force 2, known in Japan as Ryūsei no Rockman 2, is a video game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It is the sequel to Mega Man Star Force. The game was first confirmed on April 12, 2007 in an issue of CoroCoro Comic. Wikipedia
Plot: Rockman.EXE: Operate Shooting Star is a Mega Man action role-playing video game published and developed by Capcom for the Nintendo DS handheld console. It was revealed at the 2009 World Hobby Fair in Japan and released on November 12, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Mega Man 3 is an action-platform video game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the third game of the original Mega Man series and was originally released in Japan on September 28, 1990. The game localized in North America later in 1990 and in European regions...
Plot: Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow is a 2005 action-adventure game developed and published by Konami. It is part of Konami's Castlevania video game series and the first Castlevania game released on the Nintendo DS. The game is the sequel to Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and incorporates many elements from its...
Plot: Rockman Strategy is a PC strategy game from the original Mega Man series that was officially licensed by Capcom and developed by Dream Come True. It was published in Taiwan by Acer TWP for Windows 95, 98, 2000 and XP in 2001 and re-released in 2002.
Plot: Mega Man: The Power Battle is an arcade video game and a spin-off title for the Mega Man series. It was released in Japan in 1995 and was followed by a sequel, Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, the following year. Wikipedia
Plot: Rockman Complete Works is a lineup of video game remakes released only in Japan for the PlayStation in 1999. Rockman Complete Works contains the first six entries in the Classic Mega Man series, originally released on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Wikipedia
Plot: Rockman EXE WS is a platform video game, part of the Mega Man Battle Network subseries of Mega Man video games. The game was released on the WonderSwan Color, only in Japan. This game is a platformer like Mega Man Network Transmission, rather than a role-playing game. Wikipedia
Plot: Rockman: Battle & Fighters is a fighting video game in the Mega Man series of video games. It was only released in Japan on the SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color handheld system. It is a portable version of the two arcade game fighting games Mega Man: The Power Battle, and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mega Man Zero Collection, released in Japan as Rockman Zero Collection, is a compilation of all four Mega Man Zero video games, which were originally released for the Game Boy Advance between 2002 and 2005. Wikipedia