Plot: Blade Eagle 3-D is a vertical rail shooter video game, developed and published by Sega and was first released on March 26, 1988 in Japan for the Mark III as Gold Cartridge, December 31, 1988 in North America and later in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Out Run is an arcade driving video game released by Sega in September 1986. It is known for its pioneering hardware and graphics, nonlinear gameplay, and a selectable soundtrack with music composed by Hiroshi Kawaguchi. The goal is to avoid traffic and reach one of five destinations. Wikipedia
Plot: Astro Bot Rescue Mission is a platform video game developed by Japan Studio's Asobi Team division and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4's PlayStation VR headset. Wikipedia
Plot: R.C. Grand Prix is a top-down isometric racing game for the Master System video game console. It was released in Europe and United States in 1990. Wikipedia