Plot: Robot Warlords, known as Velvet File in Japan, is a turn based RPG created by Dazz. It was first released in Japan in 2000 under the title Velvet File. It was published in Europe in 2001 by Midas Interactive under the name Robot Warlords. Wikipedia
Plot: GoDai: Elemental Force is PlayStation 2 video game, released by The 3DO Company on January 21, 2002. Initially the game was scheduled to release in Fall 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Mark Davis Pro Bass Challenge is a bass fishing video game for the Nintendo GameCube and Sony PlayStation 2. It is an arcade-style bass fishing game that allows players to experience real world bass tournaments in a 3-D graphics format. Wikipedia
Plot: Energy Airforce: aimStrike! is a PlayStation 2 game that focuses on being an authentic flight simulator. All aircraft and weapons used in the game are either existing or prototypes used by the U.S. military. Realistic loads of weapons and fuel can be viewed from outside or from a realistic cockpit...