Plot: Robot Wars: Metal Mayhem is the first video game based on the British game show Robot Wars. It was released exclusively for Game Boy Color on 7 December 2000. It was the first of four games based on the show, with the first three selling over 250,000 copies. Wikipedia
Plot: Noddy and the Birthday Party is a children's video game released only in Europe for the Game Boy Color in 2000. It was developed by Tiertex Design Studios and published by BBC Multimedia. The game is based on the character Noddy by Enid Blyton, as well as the fictional universe in which he resides....
Plot: Mary-Kate and Ashley: Pocket Planner is a digital planner and video game developed by American studio Powerhead Games and published by Acclaim Entertainment. It was released on November 29, 2000, for the Game Boy Color. It is part of the Mary-Kate and Ashley video game series. Wikipedia
Plot: Las Vegas Cool Hand is a Game Boy Color game that was released in 1998 to a North American and European market. A version for the original Game Boy was also released in Europe under the title Cool Hand. This video game features blackjack, cribbage, and solitaire. Wikipedia