Plot: Mario Kart 8 is a kart racing video game developed and published by Nintendo. It was released for the Wii U in May 2014. It retains Mario Kart series game mechanics, where players control Mario franchise characters in kart racing, collecting a variety of items to hinder opponents or gain advantages...
Plot: Mario Kart is a series of go-kart-style racing video games developed and published by Nintendo as spin-offs from its trademark Super Mario series. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario Kart 7 is a 2011 kart racing video game developed by Nintendo EAD in cooperation with Retro Studios and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS. Wikipedia
Plot: New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a 2D side-scrolling platform video game developed by Nintendo for the Wii. A follow-up to the 2006 Nintendo DS game New Super Mario Bros., it was first released in Australia, North America, and Europe in November 2009, followed by Japan a month later. Wikipedia
Plot: Wii Sports is a 2006 sports simulation video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii video game console. The game was released in North America along with the Wii on November 19, 2006, and was released in Japan, Oceania, and Europe the following month. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario Kart DS is a 2005 kart racing video game developed and published by Nintendo. It was released for the Nintendo DS handheld game console in November 2005 in North America, Europe, and Australia, and on December 8, 2005, in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario Kart: Double Dash is a 2003 kart racing video game developed by Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development and published by Nintendo for the GameCube. The game is the fourth installment in the Mario Kart series and the third for home consoles after Mario Kart 64. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario Kart 64 is a 1996 kart racing video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64. It is the successor to Super Mario Kart for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the second game in the Mario Kart series. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a 2010 platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii. It was first announced at E3 2009 and is the sequel to the original 2007 game. It was released worldwide in 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Wii Sports Resort is a 2009 sports simulation video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii video game console, and is a sequel to Wii Sports. It is one of the first titles to require the Wii MotionPlus accessory, which was bundled with the game. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario Kart 8 is a kart racing video game developed and published by Nintendo. It was released for the Wii U in May 2014. It retains Mario Kart series game mechanics, where players control Mario franchise characters in kart racing, collecting a variety of items to hinder opponents or gain advantages...
Plot: Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit is a racing mixed reality game, being the fifteenth installment in the Mario Kart series and was released on October 16, 2020 for the Nintendo Switch. Developed by Velan Studios, Home Circuit utilizes physical radio-controlled cars responding to how the player plays in...
Plot: Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a 2008 crossover fighting video game developed by Sora Ltd. and published by Nintendo for the Wii. The third installment in the Super Smash Bros. series, it was announced at a pre-E3 2005 press conference by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario Party 9 is a party video game published by Nintendo for the Wii. The ninth main installment in the Mario Party series, it was announced at E3 2011 and released in Europe, North America, and Australia in March 2012, followed by Japan a month later. Wikipedia