Plot: Metal Slug is a Japanese run and gun video game series originally created by Nazca Corporation before merging with SNK in 1996 after the completion of the first game in the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, released in Japan as Cadillacs Kyouryuu Shinseiki, is a 1993 arcade game by Capcom. It is a side-scrolling beat 'em up based on the comic book series Xenozoic Tales. Wikipedia
Plot: The King of Fighters 2002 is a fighting game produced by Eolith and Playmore for the Neo Geo in 2002. It is the ninth game in The King of Fighters series and the second one to be produced by Eolith and developed by Playmore. Wikipedia
Plot: Lady Bug is an insect-themed maze chase video game produced by Universal Entertainment and released in arcades in 1981. Its gameplay is similar to Pac-Man, with the primary addition to the formula being gates that change the layout of the maze when used. Wikipedia