Plot: Decap Attack is a 1991 platform video game developed by Vic Tokai and published by Sega for the Genesis. The game is a westernized version of the 1990 Japanese Mega Drive game Magical Hat no Buttobi Tābo! Daibōken, with the art, plot, music, and level designs all being changed. Wikipedia
Plot: Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs is a video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988 by Vic Tokai. The game's main character is based on Kenji Sagara, a popular Japanese child actor who was famous in the 1980s for his impersonation of baseball player Masayuki Kakefu...
Plot: Psycho Fox is a video game published by Sega for the Master System in 1989. In Brazil, Tectoy released the game as Sapo Xulé: Os Invasores do Brejo, in which Psycho Fox and his friends were replaced by Sapo Xulé, a pig, a turtle and a mouse. Wikipedia
Plot: Mamono Hunter Yōko: Dai 7 no Keishō is a platform game developed by Klon and published by NCS Masaya for the Sega Mega Drive in 1991 exclusively in Japan. It is an adaptation of the manga and anime series Devil Hunter Yohko. Wikipedia
Plot: Party Quiz Mega Q is a quiz video game developed and published by Sega, which released for the Mega Drive in Japan in 1993. Players participate in a television quiz programme, answering questions in rounds of differing rules, earning or losing points along the way. Wikipedia