Plot: Pop'n Tanks! is a 1999 Japanese video game released for the Sony PlayStation. It was developed by Symbio Systems and published by Enix. The game was directed by Jun Matsumoto, while manga artist Mine Yoshizaki provided character designs. The game is a tank combat game, featuring one on one battles...
Plot: Stahlfeder: Tekkou Hikuudan is a 1996 Japanese video game released for the Sony PlayStation. It is a vertical scrolling shooting game developed and published by Santos. The game was generally poorly received by critics at the time and has since become an obscure title for the system. Wikipedia
Plot: Hermie Hopperhead: Scrap Panic is a video game developed by Yuke's and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation. It was released in Japan in September 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Mr. Driller G is a 2001 puzzle arcade game developed and released in Japan by Namco for its System 10 hardware. It is the third installment in its Mr. Driller series, and the last released for arcades. Wikipedia