Plot: Eternal Daughter is a freeware 2D action-adventure game created by indie developers Derek Yu and Jon Perry and released on June 21, 2002, under the Blackeye Software label. Wikipedia
Plot: Knytt Underground is a 2D adventure game in the exploration subgenre similar to Metroidvania games, with elements of arcade platformers, combining the mechanics of the developer's previous games, Knytt and Within a Deep Forest. Wikipedia
Plot: Hero Core is a freeware shooter game created by Daniel Remar, the developer of Iji. The game was released on 3 May 2010. It was created in Game Maker Studio, with music composed by Brother Android. It is a sequel to the game Hero. Around 2013 the source code of the game was made available to the public...
Plot: Iji is a freeware 2008 video game featuring platform and shooting elements, developed by Daniel Remar using Game Maker over a period of four years. Wikipedia
Plot: The Maze of Galious: Knightmare II, is the sequel to Konami's MSX game Knightmare: Majou Densetsu. While the original game was an overhead, vertical scrolling shooter, The Maze of Galious is a side-view, flick-screen platform game. Wikipedia
Plot: Axiom Verge is a Metroidvania video game by American indie developer Thomas Happ. The game was originally released in March 2015 in North America and April 2015 in Europe and Australia for PlayStation 4. It was released in May 2015 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. Wikipedia
Plot: Cave Story is a 2004 Metroidvania platform-adventure game for Microsoft Windows. It was developed over five years by Japanese developer Daisuke Pixel Amaya in his free time. Cave Story features 2D platform mechanics and is reminiscent of the games Amaya played in his youth, such as Metroid and Castlevania...