Plot: Genesis LPMud, a multi-player computer game, is the original LPMud founded in April 1989 by Lars Pensjö, now running on CD gamedriver and mudlib, and previously hosted by Chalmers Computer Society, though hosting has since been moved to a dedicated, private server. Medieval fantasy is the general...
Plot: BatMUD is a medieval fantasy MUD, established in 1990. BatMUD is Finland-based and operated and owned by a non-profit organization, Balanced Alternative Techniques ry, officially registered 1994 in Helsinki, Finland. Wikipedia
Plot: Ancient Anguish, abbreviated AA, is a fantasy-themed MUD, a text-based online role-playing game. Founded in 1991 by Balz Zor Meierhans and Olivier Drake Maquelin, it opened to the public on February 2, 1992. It is free-to-play, but has been supported by player donations since 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: Sindome is a cyberpunk MOO. Sindome is unique in that most of its coding is custom, employing XML, File-IO, custom web based websocket powered game client, and a graphical web interface. Sindome has been online since 1997 and there are typically between 60-100 players online and roleplaying at any...
Plot: DikuMUD is a multiplayer text-based role-playing game, which is a type of multi-user domain. It was written in 1990 and 1991 by Sebastian Hammer, Tom Madsen, Katja Nyboe, Michael Seifert, and Hans Henrik Stærfeldt at DIKU the department of computer science at the University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen...
Plot: Discworld MUD is a popular MUD, a text-based online role-playing game, set in the Discworld as depicted in the Discworld series of books by Terry Pratchett. Wikipedia
Plot: Avalon: The Legend Lives is a text-based online multi-player role-playing game world that was first released on 28 October 1989 at the gaming convention Adventure 89. Wikipedia
Plot: GemStone IV is a multiplayer text-based online role-playing video game produced by Simutronics. Players control characters in a High Fantasy game world named Elanthia. The first playable version of the game was known as GemStone ][ and was launched in April 1988 on GEnie. Wikipedia