Plot: Power Quest, known in Japan as GekitΕ Power Modeler, is a role-playing-based fighting video game developed by Japan System Supply for the Game Boy Color. It was published in Japan by Capcom on November 27, 1998, and published in North America by Sunsoft in December 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six is a platform game for the Game Boy Color developed by Torus Games, published by Activision, and released on May 30, 2001. It is an alternative sequel to Neversoft's 2000 Spider-Man game on the main consoles, and mostly follows the events of the Game Boy Color version...
Plot: Elevator Action EX is an update to the Game Boy version of Elevator Action published by Altron in 2000. In addition to colour, players can choose between three characters: Mike, an all rounded character, Guy, a slower yet more durable character, and Sarah, a faster yet weaker character. Wikipedia
Plot: Noddy and the Birthday Party is a children's video game released only in Europe for the Game Boy Color in 2000. It was developed by Tiertex Design Studios and published by BBC Multimedia. The game is based on the character Noddy by Enid Blyton, as well as the fictional universe in which he resides....
Plot: MTV Sports: T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX is a sports video game published by THQ for Game Boy Color in 2000, and for PlayStation in 2001. It features BMX rider T.J. Lavin on the cover. Wikipedia