Plot: Lord of Vermilion III is a card strategy game that is a sequel to Lord of Vermilion II. It was originally released in the summer of 2013. Two updated versions called Twin Lance and Chain Gene were released in December 2014 and May 2015 respectively. Lord of Vermilion IV serves as a direct sequel to...
Plot: Starwing Paradox is an arcade game by Square Enix with animation produced by Sunrise. The game features character designs by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, mechanical designs by Ippei Gyōbu and Junya Ishigaki, and a script by Yoichi Kato. The voice cast include Mikako Komatsu, Ryoko Shiraishi, and Ayaka Suwa...
Plot: Lord of Vermilion is an arcade-based fantasy collectible card game developed by Think Garage and distributed by Square Enix in which players control combat cards on an arcade play surface. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy team's Arcana Stones and eliminate their servants in order to...
Plot: Lord of Vermilion is an arcade-based fantasy collectible card game developed by Think Garage and distributed by Square Enix in which players control combat cards on an arcade play surface. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy team's Arcana Stones and eliminate their servants in order to...
Plot: Lord of Vermilion is an arcade-based fantasy collectible card game developed by Think Garage and distributed by Square Enix in which players control combat cards on an arcade play surface. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy team's Arcana Stones and eliminate their servants in order to...
Plot: Raiden IV is a 2007 vertical scrolling shooting video game developed by MOSS. It was first released in the arcades in Japan. A home conversion was produced for the Xbox 360 in 2008. A later version was released for Taito's NESiCAxLive digital distribution platform. Wikipedia
Plot: Sangokushi Taisen is hybrid physical and digital collectible card game for the arcade. It is a real-time strategy-based game set in the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history and the 14th century Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. Wikipedia