Plot: Littlest Pet Shop is a video game of the Littlest Pet Shop franchise for Microsoft Windows, Wii, and DSiWare. The game was released in North America on October 14, 2008. A second version was released on October 20, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Dementium II is a survival horror first-person shooter for the Nintendo DS. It is the sequel to 2007's Dementium: The Ward, also for the Nintendo DS. The game was developed by Renegade Kid and published by SouthPeak Games. Wikipedia
Plot: Diner Dash: Flo on the Go is the third installment to the game series Diner Dash. It is published by PlayFirst and was released on October 1, 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: Boogie is a music video game developed by Electronic Arts for the Wii, PlayStation 2 and Nintendo DS. Being touted as a party-game, it enables players to create their character, then use the Wii Remote and a microphone to sing and dance through it. Wikipedia
Plot: Battleship is the name of two video games based on the film of the same name, both of them published by Activision in 2012. It was released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo 3DS. Wikipedia