Plot: Tiny Troopers is a top-down squad-based multidirectional shooter developed by Finnish studio Kukouri Mobile Entertainment and published by Chillingo, Iceberg Interactive and Game Troopers. It was released on 24 August 2012 for PC and on 7 June 2012 for iOS. Wikipedia
Plot: The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot was a free-to-play action role-playing video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal. The game combined castle building and dungeon crawling mechanics: each player built a castle filled with traps and monsters and then attacked other players' castles, earning gold and equipment...
Plot: Rayman is a franchise of platform video games, published by Ubisoft. Since the release of the original Rayman game, conceived by Michel Ancel in 1995, the series has produced a total of 45 games across multiple platforms. Wikipedia