Plot: Shachibato! President, It's Time for Battle! is an online free-to-play role-playing game created by Kadokawa, Deluxe Games, and Preapp Partners. It was released in Japan on October 17, 2019 for Android and iOS devices. An anime television series adaptation by C2C aired from April 5 to June 28, 2020...
Plot: Mendel Palace is a 1989 puzzle video game developed by Game Freak. It was published in Japan by Namco and in North America by Hudson Soft. Mendel Palace is the debut game of Satoshi Tajiri and his company Game Freak. This success inspired him to create the Pokémon series. Wikipedia
Plot: Battle Girl High School is a Japanese social network game released by COLOPL. An anime adaptation was green-lit, to celebrate the one year anniversary of the game. The anime adaptation, which was later revealed to be a television series, aired in Japan from July 2 to September 17, 2017. Wikipedia