Plot: Hattrick is a browser-based massively multiplayer online football management simulation video game developed in Sweden and launched on 30 August 1997. The game contains 133 different countries plus the Hattrick International, each with its own league pyramid, and 53 different language versions. Wikipedia...
Plot: Pokémon Go is a 2016 augmented reality mobile game developed and published by Niantic in collaboration with Nintendo and The Pokémon Company for iOS and Android devices. A part of the Pokémon franchise, the game is the result of a collaboration between Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company....
Plot: Sorare is a fantasy game of soccer, where players buy, sell, trade, and manage a virtual team with digital player cards. The game uses blockchain technology based on Ethereum and was developed in 2018 by Nicolas Julia and Adrien Montfort. Wikipedia