Plot: Zoor: Majū Tsukai Densetsu is a role-playing video game for the Nintendo 64. It was released in 1999 in Japan only. The gameplay is similar to Pokémon in that it shares the same concept of catching monsters. Your character finds a monster and raises it to battle evil. The towns are presented in a...
Plot: BattleTanx: Global Assault is an action game developed and published by The 3DO Company for the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation, in which players control futuristic tanks in a post-apocalyptic scenario. It is a sequel to the Nintendo 64 game BattleTanx, which utilized the same method of game play. Wikipedia...
Plot: Jikkyō GI Stable is a horse racing video game for the Nintendo 64. It was released only in Japan in 1999. A sequel has been released for the PlayStation 2, Jikkyō GI Stable 2. The game races horse in the G1 group. Wikipedia
Plot: Nushi Tsuri 64: Shiokaze Ninotte is a fishing video game for the Nintendo 64. It was released only in Japan in 2000. The Sequel to Nushi Tsuri 64 which was released 1998. It was compatible with Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 4 for Game Boy Color. Wikipedia
Plot: Masters '98: Harukanaru Augusta is a golf game for the Nintendo 64. It was licensed by Augusta National Golf Club and released only in Japan in 1997. It is one of three Nintendo 64 Japanese exclusive golf releases, the others being Eikō no Saint Andrews and the 64DD Japan Pro Golf Tour 64. Wikipedia...
Plot: Robot Ponkottsu 64: Nanatsu no Umi no Caramel is a role-playing video game for the Nintendo 64. It was released only in Japan, in 1999, having been demonstrated at Nintendo Space World '99 on August 27 29, 1999. It is part of the Robopon series, and can make use of the Transfer Pak with Sun, Star,...
Plot: 64 Ōzumō is a sumo wrestling game for the Nintendo 64, which was released only in Japan in 1997. The gameplay simulates various aspects of a sumo wrestler's life, such as diets and training. Wikipedia