Plot: Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei is a 2015 video game in the Langrisser series. The game takes place in a flooded world and the story's protagonist is a man with the Sacred Sword Langrisser, looking to reunite himself with a childhood friend, while fighting the empire's army. Wikipedia
Plot: Langrisser, known as Warsong in North America, is a tactical role-playing game developed by Nippon Computer Systems. The first in the Langrisser series, it blended tactical warfare with RPG elements, similar to the Fire Emblem series. Wikipedia
Plot: Golden Axe is a side-scrolling hack and slash arcade video game released in 1989 by Sega for its System 16-B arcade hardware. Makoto Uchida was the lead designer of the game, and was also responsible for the creation of the previous year's Altered Beast. Wikipedia