Plot: Kung-Fu Live is an interactive fighting game developed by Virtual Air Guitar Company exclusively for the PlayStation Network. The game tracks the players movement using the PlayStation Eye and free-motion technology. Wikipedia
Plot: Fighters Uncaged is a fighting video game for the Xbox 360 Kinect system. It was developed by AMA Studios and published by Ubisoft in November 2010. Fighters Uncaged was one of the first twelve games released for the Kinect. Wikipedia
Plot: The Gunstringer is a third-person rail shooter video game developed by Twisted Pixel Games and published by Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360 with Kinect. It was originally planned as an Xbox Live Arcade release, but was later made into a full retail game. Wikipedia
Plot: Kinect Joy Ride is a racing game for Xbox 360 and a launch title for its Kinect hardware in 2010. The game was developed by BigPark and published by Microsoft Game Studios. Wikipedia
Plot: Hulk Hogan's Main Event is a professional wrestling fighting game starring Hulk Hogan created by American studio Panic Button and published by Majesco Entertainment for the Xbox 360. The game requires the Kinect peripheral. Wikipedia
Plot: Twister Mania launched in November 2011 for the Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360 video game console as a digital version of the Twister board game. Developed by Naked Sky Entertainment, Twister Mania is published by Majesco Entertainment and is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB. Wikipedia